By Barry Blaisdell -

FS2002 / FS2000 PRO deHavilland DHC6 Twin Otter
Sound package by Aaron R. Swindle. (SkySong Soundworks)

Made for Barry Blaisdell's FS2002 / FS2000 PRO DHC6-300 Twin Otter Aircraft
from Premier Aircraft Design - http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/premaircraft/

Contains all new turboprop sounds dynamicaly balanced for
cockpit and outside views. Sounds are dramatically enhanced
using an AEE (Audio Expression Evaluator). Includes startup and
shutdown files. Sound config has been revised to discard un-needed
flutter and combustion wavs.

The soundwork herein is the sole property of the above mentioned Author.
Soundwork is covered under all plausable amended U.S. and Foreign copyright laws.
No re-distibution without my prior written and or verbal permission.
On file with the U.S. Library of Congress Audio Archives in Washington D.C.
Applies to all previous and future works of the original author/Aaron R. Swindle.

Thank you for D/L my work,

Its freeware, but If you care to help me get an (INLINE P.C. Audio Balancer) BETTER SOUNDS FOR YOU!

You can send a buck or two to:

Aaron R. Swindle
P.O. Box 1113
Dayton Va, 22821